Saturday, July 5, 2014

CHP punching woman on the 1-10, for walking on the freeway. I guaran damn tee you that cops do not report treating people this way, unless they are caught on camera doing it

Police say that the woman needed to be restrained and was endangering herself and motorists by walking on a busy road in the west of Los Angeles.

above via

So, like I've said before, record every interaction you have with cops, and any you witness where they are abusing their job... as they certainly will always get away with such astonishingly illegal behavior unless we catch the violators on film and get them kicked off the police force.

Imagine for a moment how many times that cop has sat through police brutality training, and beat up other perpatrators, who are "innocent until proven guilty" I believe the legal phrase is, and taken justice into his own hands/fists to punish/condemn/sentence people for anything he's felt they've done wrong.

I bet you, all of you, that the California Governor, the California Highway Patrol Chief of Police, and this particular officers supervisor and department had does and says nothing about this.

The news had this to say: 
The California Highway Patrol has vowed to carry out a thorough investigation after a video emerged of one of its officers repeatedly punching a pinned down woman on the side of a Los Angeles freeway.

The woman had been walking on Interstate 10 west of downtown Los Angeles, endangering herself and people in traffic, and the officer was trying to restrain her, CHP Assistant Chief Chris O'Quinn said at a news conference. O'Quinn said the woman had begun walking off the freeway but returned when the confrontation occurred.

The video shows the woman struggling and trying to sit up while the officer punches her in the face and head until an off-duty law enforcement officer appears and helps him handcuff her.

Passing Driver David Diaz recorded the Tuesday incident and provided it to media outlets including The Associated Press. He told the AP in a phone interview Friday that he arrived as the woman was walking off the freeway. He said she turned around only after the officer shouted something to her.

"He agitated the situation more than helped it," said Diaz, who started filming soon after.

The officer is on administrative leave while the patrol investigates. He has not been identified.

The video caught the attention of local civil rights leaders, who expressed shock and outrage at their own news conference.

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