Monday, June 30, 2014

best photo I've seen of a 1969 R/T in a long time

a bit odd looking, but cool, a 1949 Ahrens Fox

maybe, the reason so many cars are white, black, and shades of grey... instead of any color

I just learned that the EPA had pollution monitoring in place at the manufacturers, and certain colors can be sprayed anytime, 24/7. Gold was only allowed 2 days a month. So, maybe that's a big factor in why cars have no colors anymore  (

1935 coe White custom tanker

I like Mopars, mostly after 1966... because the late 50's and early 60's were pretty ugly design-wise

instant karma strikes morons most of all


hilarious, and terrific. Finally with women getting into pro racing in various sports, they're putting a spin on the normal nonsense

Ana Carrasco who is the first to be riding among the boys in Moto3 class, and yet another exciting revolutionar she brings into the GP is a hunk grid guy

Found on via

great biking kids photo

humor... 1960's VW style, I just love it

Sunday, June 29, 2014

respect the old ones, they inspired the gourmet food vans, no matter how primitive they seem

unique VW cab customized to a 5th wheel semi

unexpected streamlined design beauty in a rail inspection car... amazing

design studies of David Levy and Daniel Simon

imagine being a long haul trucker before air conditioning was available in trucks... someone did invent this handy gizmo

interesting Fordson tractor.. I don't recall seeing one with this engine configuration

team hippie does a great job keeping the microbus on track

Found on

I get a big kick out of adult soapbox runs... and think Red Bull is to be highly commended for sponsoring such fun events

Cut Rate Auto Parts

an old gas station and ice cold cokes

Friday, June 27, 2014

rusty, but cool

interesting custom Vespa, I bet the extra tank makes it tipsy, but able to travel a lot farther between refills

If seatbelts are required everywhere in the US, or maybe in the world (no idea) why aren't cars built with an ignition interlock to the seatbelt?

Sure, it would be easy to overcome, but, most people would just put their seatbelts on before starting the car and driving, and isn't that what we want?

Maybe there is some ramifications to your car turning off if you unbuckle your belt, in a parking lot, or to reverse so you can twist your body.

Oh well, just thinking out loud

In other news, an official Mexican government helicopter crossed into the USA in Arizona, and fired two rounds of ammo

5:45am, Thursday June 26th. No reasonable explanation for doing either was given.

I'm filing this under: news, helicopter, law enforcement

another couple of great image/meme from

Always full of cool aviation images:

colorized 100 year old photos.. I love it

The top image is one in a book of colorized civil war era photos, very easily seen in Time Lightbox at and complimented and featured on Time magazine online, or see a couple stills (remarkable!) at

wow, those drive wheels

Camden et Amboy railways, 1850

Found on

That's a Crampton locomotive...the idea was to put the drive wheels behind the firebox so the builder could use larger wheels, and lower the center of gravity. (thanks to Jeff F)

African safari sampan

Its so incredibly rare to see a photo of a sampan...

This one found on that source of the unusual and cool:

It's official! A Rally Fighter is in the new Transformers movie!

Pretty damn cool to see an independent car company get some terrific product placement in a summer blockbuster legacy movie! for a couple screen shots and the movie trailer

"Traveler Roof Rack" made by Chris Craft

the 1948 Chrysler Traveler. According to the article there might be a dozen or two existing, but between 6 and 9 are owned by Chrysler. Only 4182 were made.

Also remarkable, is the leather cover for the spare tire in a 1950

captioned "So my sister got her license today"